Sunday 10 October 2010

4th birthday Gromit

Big Habbibi is 4! And loves Gromit, so a plan was hatched.

Base is made of Nigella's Storecupboard Chocolate Orange Cake, but using cherry jam rather than marmalade. Sketched Gromit using handy tips from the internet, and cut accordingly:

I hate buttercream with a passion, so had to work out something else. Loads of trial and error here, but the face is essentially an overwhipped white chocolate ganache with some melted milk chocolate added - the effect was essentially a truffle frosting. The ears were again trial and error, but turned out rather like a typical chocolate fudge frosting.

Fondant icing for whites of eyes, with melted chocolate pupils

And a big nose - cut out of melted chocolate with a scone cutter. It worked!
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